circle ganeshWhen:. Friday March 4th at 7pm

Where:. Yoga Bliss Akron

Who:. with Tracy Rhinehart & Maria Santoferraro

Cost:. Free for Cleveland area Yoga Teachers and YTTs



Banish the busy. Glorify the gratitude. Stop focusing on how busy you are and shift your focus to gratitude for the many gifts in your life. The march class will be co taught by Tracy Rhinehart & Maria Santoferraro of the Daily Downward Dog with a combination of flow, restorative, reiki and myofascial release.

Come together in the spirit of community, connection, empowerment and growth with your fellow kula group members. Enjoy the beautiful energy shared and exchanged at our monthly classes. Looking forward to seeing old friends and new.

Om shanti shanti shanti

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