
The Planet Prana Yoga & Meditation Podcast is homegrown in Cleveland, Ohio. The mission of the podcast is to create and promote awareness of the vibrant and talented yoga community in NE Ohio doing so much amazing work in our community. The podcast features audio yoga classes, guided meditations, yoga nidra and informative interviews hosted by Zen Jenn. It highlights the amazing talent of Cleveland area yoga teachers, as well as teachers and practitioners from all over our beautiful nation. 

The podcast is currently on hiatus and has been archived online at ARCHIVE.ORG. Select popular episodes remain available on APPLE PODCASTS, and SOUNDCLOUD.

Walking Meditation

Please join me while I guide you through a mindfulness and gratitude practice on your walk.  Walking meditation is an active meditation practice.  It’s appropriate for any level of practitioner and is especially useful if you struggle sitting still for your practice, and if you feel like you just want to move.  Walking meditation upgrades your walk to a new level of awareness while moving outside, connecting to your body, and to the natural world around you.  This walking meditation promotes gratitude, mindfulness, wellness, and a deep felt sense of fulfillment.