Yoga Practice: Meditation


  "The awakening, the soul lighting up, happens when we realize we are one with God, one with the universe, and one with each other.  One of the greatest gifts we can give our children, ourselves and the world, is to grow in the awareness of this connection."  Oprah Winfrey Let's talk about Meditation.  The art of being still and sitting with yourself for

Yoga Practice: Meditation2019-09-22T16:55:03-04:00

Yoga Wisdom: Response vs. Reaction


  Life Happens Good & Bad You’re going about your business and feeling pretty good.  You have a spring in your step and all is well at the moment.  You have your routine and your day planned out and it seems like there’s nothing in your way.  These are the easy moments in life where you don’t have to think or work too hard.

Yoga Wisdom: Response vs. Reaction2017-04-11T16:27:11-04:00

March Kula Class


When:. Friday March 4th at 7pm Where:. Yoga Bliss Akron Who:. with Tracy Rhinehart & Maria Santoferraro Cost:. Free for Cleveland area Yoga Teachers and YTTs   click here to sign up for march kula   Banish the busy. Glorify the gratitude. Stop focusing on how busy you are and shift your focus to gratitude for the many gifts in your life. The march class will be

March Kula Class2016-12-29T17:55:55-05:00

{PPP1} Yoga Nidra with Mtn Visual


GET IT ON ITUNES Zen Jenn & Planet Prana on THIS PRACTICE IS FOR EVERYONE AND IS SO NEEDED IF YOU LEAD A BUSY AND STRESSFUL LIFE. Lie down, get comfy and find the deepest state of relaxation you'll ever know!! Yoga Nidra, which is translated as yogic sleep, is a deep relaxation practice and can be extremely profound for many practitioners.

{PPP1} Yoga Nidra with Mtn Visual2019-09-03T19:10:22-04:00

December Kula Class


When:. Friday, December 18th at 6pm Where:. Yoga 101 in Berea Who:. with Jill Pawloski Cost:. Free for Cleveland area Yoga Teachers and YTTs   december kula class sign up   CLE Yoga Teacher's Kula De-Stress Class for the Holidays!!  This class will be led by the fabulous Jill Pawloski!! Click the link below to sign up. Hope to see you all there! Namaste,

December Kula Class2016-12-29T17:55:55-05:00

November Kula Class


When:. Friday, November 13th at 7:30pm Where:. Oasis Yoga Spa in Solon Who:. with Dana Chaisson Cost:. Free for Cleveland area Yoga Teachers and YTTs   sign up for our kula class here   Take some time to celebrate this community with our monthly practice together. This class will be taught by Dana Chaisson and is a Restorative Class!! Dana is by far my favorite

November Kula Class2016-12-29T17:55:56-05:00
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